Javascript Array Callback Functions Part 2 - Map Method
##MAP METHOD '.map()': Map creates a new array with the results of calling a callback just like .forEach() on every element in the array. However, Map is simply used to create a new array from an existing array.
Using anynomous function statement (parameter) {
return parameter;
Using anynomous arrow function parameter => {
return parameter
EXAMPLE 1: Returning array elements in CAPS in a new array using .map() method.
//create a new array
const namesOfTechGiants = ['samson', 'goddy', 'Edidiong', 'asikpo', 'seun', 'daramola'];
const namesInCaps = {
return names.toUpperCase();
'samson', 'goddy', 'Edidiong', 'asikpo', 'seun', 'daramola'
//The original values are still unchanged but have been mapped to a new array called 'namesInCaps'
//returning the values of the new array
//.toUpperCase() is a method in Javascript that converts strings to capital letter
EXAMPLE 2: Create a new array of numbers that will return an object of 'isEven: true or false'
create a variable called numbers and initialize it to an array of numbers.
const numbers = [3, 4, 6, 7];
create a map method and initialize to a variable called numObjects
const numObjects = {
return {
value: nums,
isEven: nums % 2 === 0 //isEven returns a boolean expression.
OUTPUT - The output is an array of objects and each object have a value and isEven either true or false.
0: {value: 3, isEven: false}
1: {value: 4, isEven: true}
2: {value: 6, isEven: true}
3: {value: 7, isEven: false}
EXAMPLE 3: Let's see how map method works on objects using the same object we created in our last episode.
const books = [{
title: 'Gods are not to blame',
author: 'Ola Rotimi',
title: 'Creating impressive proposals in Open Source Programs',
author: 'Edidiong Asikpo',
title: 'She inspires',
author: 'Bolaji Ayodeji'
title: 'javascript Grammer',
author: 'javascript Teacher',
const titles = (book) {
return book.title
['Gods are not to blame', 'Creating impressive proposals in Open Source Programs', 'She inspires', 'javascript grammer']
// we have successfuly extracted the object titles we need using .map() without changing the original array
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